It was today that ELEV8 BRANDS (OTCMKTS:VATE) disclosed that Elev8 Hemp Coffee has been made available at Lucky’s Market located at 580 Atlantic Blvd, Neptune Beach, FL 32266 and at Lucky’s Market located at 1720 E Hwy 50, Clermont, FL 34711.
A company official while addressing several news reporters outlined that those were going to be the first two locations to engage in the in the provision of the all the six flavors of Elev8 Hemp Coffee.
Turn of events
It was recently that Dark Roast, Espresso and Chocolate Raspberry Truffle were unveiled to the market and reports indicate that the sales achieved have surpassed the set expectations. A person well conversant with the matter has disclosed that the company has already roasted its second round of these three flavors.
In one of its latest statements, Elev8 Hemp has stated that it will be releasing a Sumatra Hemp Coffee and a Decaffeinated Hemp Coffee to the market at the start of next month. Sumatra pulls along with pretty low acidity and earthy undertones and it is rather evident it has lately grown a huge deal in terms of popularity.
Taking the quality of the product a notch higher

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They are such undertones that help bring out the desirable flavor of the organic hemp protein. It is crucial to serve the various coffee drinkers with what appeases them and it is expected that a Decaf is the sure way towards achieving the goal.
The CEO of Elev8 Brands Inc Ryan Medico opined, “We have had a lot of requests for a decaffeinated version during our samplings. There are people who absolutely love our coffee but can’t have the caffeine.”
He added that their mission as a company was to do all within their means to bring the health benefits of hemp to the wide range of the consumable products.
The other move by the business guru is the acquisition of L&P Cold Brew, LLC and it is expected that will make it possible to for the for the wide array of the Elev8 Brands to enter the ready to go market. A lot of the decisions that are being made lately are targeted towards the expansion of the business operations as well as in the fetching of higher revenues.