, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) And Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) have announced that they stand in support of the Paris Climate Agreement.

The three tech giants made the announcement just a few days after U.S. President Donald Trump stated that his country would not be among the countries supporting the cause. Amazon, Facebook and Apple are some of the few companies that have pledged their support for the campaign. Some of the other firms that are supporting the move include Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA), Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL), Uber, and Lyft among others.

“In the absence of leadership from Washington, states, cities, colleges and universities and businesses representing a [sizable] percentage of the U.S. economy will pursue ambitious climate goals, working together to take forceful action and to ensure that the U.S. remains a global leader in reducing emissions,” pointed out a statement in the “We Are Still In” campaign website.

U.S leaders promise to work on emission standards despite Trump not supporting the campaign

Trump is believed to have turned down support for the Paris Climate agreement because he believes that it will hurt his country’s industrial sector. Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor for New York was one of the main organizers of the “We Are Still In” campaign. He submitted a statement-the “American Pledge,” which has been supported by more than 1,000 companies, universities, governors, investors and mayors.

The “American Pledge” claims that it will pursue the same emission reductions that the U.S had originally promised when former President Barack Obama signed the Paris Climate Agreement two years ago. Despite Trump’s decision to back out of the agreement, major companies in the U.S. have shown that they are still in support of the cause. Trump’s decision is believed to be a move towards motivating the private sector and this will in turn lead to job creation and enhancement of the economy.


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Amazon stock closed the latest trading session on Tuesday at $1,003.00 after losing 0.82 percent from the value of the stock during the previous close.